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Xplornet Announces Major Fibre Expansion Plan in Eastern Ontario

06 09 2019 MARKHAM, ON – Over 80,000 rural homes and businesses in Eastern Ontario will soon have access to much faster Internet speeds, unlimited data and the latest 5G-ready broadband technology supported by fibre infrastructure, as a result of a major investment announced today b…

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Le 5G arrivera dans les régions rurales du Nouveau-Brunswick beaucoup plus tôt que vous le croyez

19 07 2019 Plus de 83 000 foyers et entreprises des régions rurales du Nouveau-Brunswick auront bientôt accès à la plus récente technologie Internet 5G capable de fournir des vitesses Internet beaucoup plus rapides et des données illimitées.

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Xplornet Announces Agreement for Hughes JUPITER 3 Satellite

22 04 2019 Ultra High Density Satellite to offer download speeds of 100 Megabits per second, the fastest residential Internet speeds offered by satellite for rural Canada

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Xplornet Acquires Spectrum in 600 MHz Auction

01 04 2019 WOODSTOCK, NB – Xplornet Communications Inc., Canada’s largest rural-focused broadband service provider, today announced the purchase of four 600 MHz licences that will enable the company to continue to innovate and deliver affordable, unlimited wireless broadband to rural Canadians. The low-band spe…

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Xplornet Announces Unlimited Data at Affordable Prices

01 04 2019 New unlimited broadband data plans now available in rural Canada starting at $59.99

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Xplornet bringing faster Internet speeds and 5G-ready services to Prince Edward Island

15 03 2019 CHARLOTTETOWN, PEI – Rural homes and businesses in Prince Edward Island will soon have access to faster download speeds and the latest 5G-ready technology. Announced today by President and CEO Allison Lenehan, this bold new investment plan will allow Xplornet to d…

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