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How do redundancy connections work and what should your business be looking for?

An Internet outage is a business emergency. But it doesn’t have to be.

If your business has a backup Internet connection in place, you can continue working seamlessly the way you always have, still connected to all of the online technologies and tools you need to continue business as usual.

That makes a backup connection (also known as a redundancy connection) a game changer for modern businesses. After all, Internet outages are bound to happen — there are all sorts of reasons why, most of them out of your control. The best way to deal with them is to stay prepared.

But how does a backup connection actually work — and what should you be looking for if you want the best redundancy connection for your business?

Let’s take a look.

How a Backup Connection Works

You want to know that your backup connection is going to kick in as seamlessly as possible in the case of an Internet outage.

That starts by finding a reliable Internet provider that offers trusted backup connections. You’ll also need a router that’s configured to allow for two Internet connections: your primary connection as well as the redundancy connection.

With those elements in place, your connection will be ready to automatically switch to your backup service when needed. Otherwise known as “Internet failover,” this will happen automatically in the case of a service outage, keeping your business in action through whatever emergency is in progress.

But to make sure that happens without fail, there are a few other things you should look for when choosing a redundancy solution.

Small business owner smiling at tablet

What to Look For

When it comes time to shop for a backup connection, what should you be looking for?

The most critical thing to keep in mind is route diversity. After all, if your primary Internet connection goes down because of an emergency, you want to be able to move over to another network that’s not affected by that same service outage.

That means looking for a network that doesn’t rely on the same technology — a satellite network if your primary network is fibre, for instance, or a satellite network if you rely on fixed wireless for every day. This will add robustness to your service, so that when one network goes down you can feel confident the secondary network will stay active.

From there, it’s all about choosing a connection that will be fast and reliable in your area — so that you know you’re in good hands if your primary service falters. And of course, affordability is also a factor. Since you’re already paying for a main connection, you want your secondary connection to be seamless, but also cost effective.

By keeping all of these factors in mind, you’ll be able to find a redundancy connection that keeps you in business — no matter what.

Woman working on her laptop in a coffee shop

Get Connected Now

It’s clear that a backup connection is good for business. So why not make it your next step for business success? Start by learning more about Xplore Business’s backup solutions.

To find out more about Xplore Business’s backup options, talk to one of our Client Executives today.