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How quickly is your business growing? How fast do you want it to grow?

Whether you’re doubling your small business from five to 10 employees, or growing a workforce from 200 to 300, you need a business Internet that’s able to scale as you do. Otherwise you won’t have the infrastructure you need to keep up with your ongoing demands.

The question is: how scalable is scalable enough? And what should you be looking for to ensure your Internet is able to keep up.

Let’s dive a little deeper to find out.

Why network scalability matters

Simply put, network scalability empowers business scalability. If your business relies on a dependable Internet connection and IT infrastructure to thrive, then it needs those to be scalable in order to grow.

Without that, your business risks falling behind, without a connection that can maintain your day-to-day needs. You face the potential of wasting time and money when your employees are unable to do their jobs right. And there may even be service interruptions, putting your relationship with customers at risk.

So what do you need to consider in order to ensure your network is as scalable as it needs to be?

What to consider when it comes to scalability

How can you make sure your Internet is ready to scale with your business? What pieces do you need to have in place? Start by looking at the following:

  • Your bandwidth requirements: How much bandwidth does your current business require? This will depend on the number and types of devices you’re relying on, as well as the overall number of employees relying on the Internet to do their jobs.
  • Your space constraints: Do you have the physical space available to accommodate the networking hardware you’ll require to run your business? And on a similar note, do you have the power available to stay up to date with your networking needs – including backup power so that you don’t lose your connection during outages? The hardware requirements will vary depending on the size of your business and your specific requirements, but may take dedicated onsite space to accommodate.
  • How your business is growing: If you’re planning on expanding your business, there’s a good chance that your bandwidth requirements will change – after all, you’ll have more people using more devices. So look ahead. Do you have the flexibility available to easily adjust your network capabilities and extend your hardware as you need to?

With a scalable network you can ensure your business is flexible to all of your business needs – and that it can continue to grow as you do. So keep that in mind as you build your business, so that you’re putting in the infrastructure you truly need to sustain and grow it.

Build your business with Xplore Business’ customized connectivity solutions.