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Outages Happen. Your Business Doesn’t Have to Suffer.

An unexpected Internet outage can slow your business down. That doesn’t have to be the case, though. A reliable backup solution keeps you connected, even when your primary connection is down.

Xplore Business Backup Solutions Help You Stay Prepared

Separate from your primary Internet network, Xplore Business Backup Solutions keep you connected even during an outage, with:

Artistic image of connectivity

Product Diversity

Product diversity mitigates the risks associated with single points of failure and network congestion. The deployment of diverse products not only enhances the overall reliability of the network but also acts as a proactive measure to address potential challenges. If a specific path encounters an unexpected disruption or performance degradation, the multi-product approach allows the system to seamlessly adapt.

By utilizing multiple networks, it helps ensure that if one path becomes unavailable or experiences performance issues, traffic can be automatically rerouted through alternate paths. This redundancy helps to increase reliability, minimize downtime, and improve overall network performance.

With unplanned outages including hardware malfunctions or cyber-attacks, a diversified failover solution acts as a contingency plan, allowing the network to handle adverse conditions.

Using a product-diverse approach to technology integration, businesses can implement a resilient and adaptive network infrastructure capable of withstanding unforeseen disruptions while still maintaining optimal performance levels.

Two men shaking hands in front of a laptop

Failover Connection

You want your business operations to continue uninterrupted – which means you should look for a solution that’s seamless. If your primary connection goes down, your backup connection should kick in automatically – and when your connection resumes it should automatically go back to the main network.

Failover connectivity works along with your redundant connection, through either a managed system or manual process that allows you to switch to your backup connection. Together, this process keeps your business running even when your primary connection goes down.

Take the worry out of an outage with SureSwitch from Xplore Business.

Two people smiling looking at a laptop

Affordable Protection

What would the financial impact be to your business if your Internet goes down for an hour or a day?

If you’ve avoided an outage, you’ve been lucky. Because, according to Gartner, the average business loses $5,600 per minute when their Internet goes down. That’s anything but chump change – adding up to over $300,000 per hour, or more than $2 million when you spread it across an eight-hour work day.

And that’s only considering the financial cost. A significant Internet outage can also mean a cost to your reputation and customer relationships too.

Protect your business for less than $3/day with a backup solution from Xplore Business

Two people talking on an escalator


Consider the upload and download speeds your business requires in order to stay connected during an outage. You’ll need a redundancy plan and service that meets those needs.

Identify the mission critical items that require 24/7 connectivity and prioritize them. VoIP, e-commerce or website orders or IoT systems may all be priorities while other items may be able to be reduced until the primary outage is resolved.

Office building without wifi connectivity

How Backup Solutions Work

Protect Your Business

Businesses require seamless continuity - optimize your connectivity to weather any event.

Eliminate Downtime

Maintain productivity

Minimize Financial Impacts

Keep digital payments on track

Protect Your Company Reputation

Be known for flawless service

Improve Customer Loyalty

Stay connected to your customers

Avoid Security Risks

Safeguard your business from potential cyber attacks

Give yourself peace of mind today.

Request a connectivity consultation with a Client Executive today.